Satisfying criteria:
ASTM D7652 Determination of trace hydrogen sulfide, base sulfide, gas chromatography of carbon disulfide and total hydrogen sulfur fuels and sulfur chemiluminescence detection (Standard Test Method for Determination of Trace Hydrogen Sulfide, Carbonyl Sulfide Methyl Mercaptan, Carbon Disulfide and Total Sulfur in Hydrogen Fuel by Gas Chromatography and Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detection)
GB / T 16129 Residential area of formaldehyde in atmospheric hygiene test standard method spectrophotometric method
T / CECA-G0015-2017 China Energy Saving Group Standard (Fuel hydrogen for proton exchange membrane fuel cell vehicles)
GB / T 37244-2018 Proton exchange membrane fuel cell fuel for automotive fuel-hydrogen
GB / T 11060.10-2021 Determination of Natural Gas Sulfur compounds-Part 10: Determination of Sulfur compounds by Gas Chromatography Appendix H Gas chromatography using capillary columns and SCD